I serve a wonderful body of people at the First Baptist Church of Nocona, TX. Are they a perfect church? No. Am I a perfect pastor? Not by a long shot. Do they make mistakes and do things they shouldn't and often stumble and fall in their walk of faith? They do...just like their pastor does. But just as God loves and accepts me in Christ and in spite of my repeated failings, and just like our church does the same for me and for one another, I love them, too.
I have spoken with other pastors who are often frustrated when church members act mean or hateful or jealous or rude or controlling or greedy or selfish. And while I, too, am tempted to let those things really bother me, God has been so gracious to remind me in those instances that the church is a collection of broken people who haven't reached the end of the journey yet. I'm one of them. And despite my sin and my selfishness, God has not given up on me. Scripture affirms that He who began a good work in me will be faithful to complete it until the Day of Christ Jesus. I am a work in progress and so is every member of our church. And so when I am forced to deal with the imperfections of real people, I am reminded of God's grace...toward me and toward all those who have been redeemed.
As Pastor Appreciation Month draws to a close, I want to say thank you to my church for the words, notes, cards, and gifts of appreciation. Thank you for your affirmation and encouragement. Thank you for your love and care toward me and my family. And thank you for being a constant reminder of God's goodness and grace extended to those who have not deserved it.
I have spoken with other pastors who are often frustrated when church members act mean or hateful or jealous or rude or controlling or greedy or selfish. And while I, too, am tempted to let those things really bother me, God has been so gracious to remind me in those instances that the church is a collection of broken people who haven't reached the end of the journey yet. I'm one of them. And despite my sin and my selfishness, God has not given up on me. Scripture affirms that He who began a good work in me will be faithful to complete it until the Day of Christ Jesus. I am a work in progress and so is every member of our church. And so when I am forced to deal with the imperfections of real people, I am reminded of God's grace...toward me and toward all those who have been redeemed.
As Pastor Appreciation Month draws to a close, I want to say thank you to my church for the words, notes, cards, and gifts of appreciation. Thank you for your affirmation and encouragement. Thank you for your love and care toward me and my family. And thank you for being a constant reminder of God's goodness and grace extended to those who have not deserved it.