Nothing to Prove, Nothing to Lose

musings, thoughts, and ramblings from a tall guy in a small town

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Location: Nocona, Texas, United States

I like Pebbles, both fruity and cocoa. I like fruit flavored sodas, specifically orange, grape, and peach. I like the dark meat of a chicken. I love my wife and my kids. I love my church. I love Jesus because He first loved me.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Best Medicine

A little insight into the life of Dave: I love to laugh. I like jokes. I like comedy. I like gags. I like humorous t-shirts. But the thing that makes me laugh out loud more than anything else is watching people fall down. I know it hurts. I know it's painful. But I can't seem to help myself. When we watch America's Funniest Home Videos (my kids' favorite show...because they like to watch people falling down, too) and something strikes me as funny, I will watch it over and over and over again (much to the chagrin of my wife...who doesn't like to watch people falling down as much as I do). Ultimately, I will collapse in a giggling, quaking, crying, snorting mass. For your viewing pleasure, I have included some of my favorites. Be sure to check out 0:33 of the pinata video (the wild flailing is genius), 0:23 of the trampoline video (at what point does he realize he's not going to make it?), and of course, the third video, which proves that I am not the only one who goes into a cackling fit when people fall down. Please to enjoy...


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