Nothing to Prove, Nothing to Lose

musings, thoughts, and ramblings from a tall guy in a small town

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Location: Nocona, Texas, United States

I like Pebbles, both fruity and cocoa. I like fruit flavored sodas, specifically orange, grape, and peach. I like the dark meat of a chicken. I love my wife and my kids. I love my church. I love Jesus because He first loved me.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Integrity, Enforcement, and Double Standards

Wade Burleson has consistently held that he affirms and supports the BFM2K, but with a couple of caveats. One of these is in reference to the condemnation of infants before they actually sin themselves. Wade has stated his belief that Scripture teaches all men are condemned from birth because of Adam's sin. He believes that this understanding conflicts with the statement in the BFM2K. Others have argued that the BFM doesn't contradict the affirmation (held, for instance, by the Abstract of Principles) that all men are condemned from birth. They say that these two documents complement each other. I believe it was Dr. Greg Welty that explained that these two documents speak of two distinct condemnations. But my post isn't about these two documents and whether they conflict. Wade Burleson believes that they do conflict, and so in the interest of integrity and full disclosure he stated his agreement with the AoP and disagreement with the BFM. Others believe that they don't conflict, and if that is the case, why should Wade's statement on this particular issue matter? He has stated what he believes, yet most of those who would call for his dismissal say that his disagreement is really no disagreement at all. So for the sake of this argument, let's set the issue of infant condemnation aside.

The issue that remains, then, is the issue of closed communion. The BFM states that baptism is prerequisite to the Lord's Supper. Some define this as "closed" communion. I have heard others refer to this as "close" communion. Wade seems to indicate that his church invites all born again believers to participate in the Lord's Supper. Because of this conviction, again in the interest of integrity and full disclosure, he has stated his disagreement with the BFM on this issue. Because of this, many have called for his removal as an IMB trustee.

So my question is this: how many current SBC agency trustees have affirmed the BFM2K without reservation or written caveats, yet practice the very same kind of communion practiced by Wade Burleson's church? In other words, is there any way to determine how many affirm BFM in print and deny it in practice? Does it show a lack of integrity? Is there a way to enforce it? What about those who make a statement about being baptized before partaking of the Lord's Supper and then do nothing to ensure that this actually happens? Do they actually practice closed or close communion as outlined in the BFM? Or are they in violation of it? And if it is found out that some who have affirmed the BFM2K (including apparently every SBTC church) practice open communion, will there be the same call to remove them from boards and castigate them for their lack of consistency? Will this be a double standard?


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